SynthFont2 wish list

All about the development and use of SynthFont2
Trygve Larsen
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Re: SynthFont2 wish list

Post by Trygve Larsen »

Here is another DEEP wish... The filenames in midifiles on the net, are often from the time before LONG filenames could be used, so the filenames are often cryptic.. BUT, the real names of the midifile songs, ARE embedded somewhere in the file. The download software I use, IDM, are able to read this information, called Description, and list it in the downloaded file, as the screenshot shows.. I have contacted the support of IDM, asked if there was any way to take a copy of this list, but no.. I have also scanned the net for software that can extract this information, but not yet found any. Many programs can extract ALL info from a midifile, but I want ONLY the SONGNAME, so I can copy and paste that to the filename...

SO, what do I wish for? YES, you guessed it! That WHEN batch converting midi songs to audio, SF READS the description, like IDM does, and REPLACE the filename with THAT.. BANG, no more a LOT of work to manually change this song by song... AND, THAT would make SF even MORE unique and FANTASTIC for midifile batch conversions... I could even happily PAY MORE for a software like SF, IF stuff like this could be done... :D
Filename and description in IDM.JPG
Filename and description in IDM.JPG (123.58 KiB) Viewed 34140 times
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Re: SynthFont2 wish list

Post by Admin »

This is a rather simple feature to build. Most MIDI files do indeed contain a lot of information in them, like name of the song and who has done the MIDI conversion. Mostly this is obvious, but not always as these are all so called METEVENTS and there is no special METAEVENT that flags a "song name". That would be good to have. I'll see what I can do.
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Re: SynthFont2 wish list

Post by Admin »

Simple feature to build - yes. But maybe not so good. I looked into it and found that although many MIDI files contain meaningful information where you would expect to find it (METAEVENT #3 - "Sequence/Track Name") lots of them contain garbage. In this new test version:
you can see what "Sequence/Track Name" contains. Go to page "1 Files / Folders" and use the Explorer at the bottom to look for files. When you click on one, the status bar at the bottom of the window will give you some information for the selected file, for example "'Midi type 1, num tracks=49. ESCALATION 666'" for a MIDI file called "ESC.MID". So in this particular case the information - ESCALATION 666 - apparently was relevant. Study your files and tell me how often then the "name" looks relevant.
Trygve Larsen
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Re: SynthFont2 wish list

Post by Trygve Larsen »

Wow ! You are a real genius man Kenneth! You know that? I'm more and more impressed by what you are doing and how FAST you are doing it... Now I see and understand that I might be hard to implement such a feature.. The test update you posted showed me exactly that.. Some of the files, have just some cryptic "letters", not even readable as anything, when some others did have song names... So I guess there is no way to let a software figure out what's what ?... :roll:

AND, by investigate a little back into those midifiles listed in IDM with description, I found that the description did NOT come from the midifile it self, but from the websites that hosted them... So, I guess few websites actually shows the wholde name of the song in their listing, and then the file itself, when downloaded, have just a short name...

So the problem is; I COULD take a text copy of the whole listing for the song names, then copy and past it into the right file, one by one.. BUT the problem with THAT is that Gasilvis Net does NOT show the filename besides the full songname, so it will be impossible to do.. Only if I could convince IDM to make it possible to copy the listing and past it to a text file, would it be easy to do.. At least one by one, Puh... :roll: Perhaps I should try another downloader, but I doubt if any other downloader has that function I love with IDM, that in ONE GO, it can download ALL files from a website...

Anyway, thank's a lot for looking so seriously into it...

BTW, I notice that NOW, I could see the bottom of the override window, so you fixed it already ! Thank's a lot man !
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Re: SynthFont2 wish list

Post by Admin »

Thanks Trygve for the feedback. I will release a new official version quite soon now. It will mainly be like this last test version, I'll just fix a few bugs,
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Re: SynthFont2 wish list

Post by GeRag »

My wish would be an initial silence when exporting to an audio file. The first note of audio files that have no initial silence in the notation sounds odd.
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Re: SynthFont2 wish list

Post by Admin »

Have you tried this:
Initial_silence.png (27.68 KiB) Viewed 31774 times
It should work. If not, there could be a bug.
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Re: SynthFont2 wish list

Post by GeRag »

Thank you very much! That did the trick. :)
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