Mute or change Drums in Batch convert midi +more

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Trygve Larsen
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Re: Mute or change Drums in Batch convert midi +more

Post by Trygve Larsen »

Yes, THAT seems to be the right way, especially if we could have that save and open button in the override window, and we could name them all after what kind of project/type of music we working on converting...
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Re: Mute or change Drums in Batch convert midi +more

Post by Admin »

I'll work on it...
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Re: Mute or change Drums in Batch convert midi +more

Post by Admin »

You might want to give this version a spin:
This file contains only the new executable SynthFont2x64-2500A.exe

There are some new features in the Override protocol:
2500-new-override-features.png (8.99 KiB) Viewed 25279 times
Trygve Larsen
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Re: Mute or change Drums in Batch convert midi +more

Post by Trygve Larsen »

Wow Kenneth! This become better and better.. I am impressed how fast you improve SF.. :D
At least now SF loads Kontakt with the right instrument...

However, when I save a certain override setting with a certain name, that name is not found when I use the "read override from file" button... .

The "show only percussion midi progs" does not filter out all melodic instruments.. Organ, strings , violin etc, are still there... But it does filter out most others, so it was still helpful to override all percussions with the silent drum sf...

BTW, in the piano roll window, there is a lot of option, batch edit for instance. Could you make this GLOBAL ? So that it would apply to all the track we chose to render to disk. AND if there was an "change CC number value, or mute" there, then we could of sustain pedal for piano there, so it would be possible to play piano tracks with brass for instance, without sustain.. THAT would be a HUGE improvement for me, at least...;)
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Re: Mute or change Drums in Batch convert midi +more

Post by Admin »

When you press "Read overrides from file" a file open dialog box is displayed. So if you do not see your saved override file in the current folder you have to navigate to the folder where you saved it. I will anyway do some changes to this concept soon, so I could add a drop-down list of your saved config files to the button in question.

The "Show only percussion midi progs" shows all midi progs that can POTENTIALLY have a percussion sound behind it. There are actually quite few of them, so the list is not short.

So, you mean to say that it would be nice to be able to switch OFF say Legato and/or Piano hold from a track? I see... This is something that you would apply manually to a track in say, the Plug & Play window. There's of course no effect of switching it ON if there aren't any CC's in this particular track. So, only switching OFF would be meaningful. Hence the Switch off [menu item] would be enabled only when there actually is something to switch off. Must think...
Trygve Larsen
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Re: Mute or change Drums in Batch convert midi +more

Post by Trygve Larsen »

"So, you mean to say that it would be nice to be able to switch OFF say Legato and/or Piano hold from a track? I see..." A BIG YES... As I said; So many pianotracks sounds very good when played by the Kontakt brass ensemble. But sounds terrible if sustain is not turned of...
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Re: Mute or change Drums in Batch convert midi +more

Post by Admin »

Here is a new version for you:

I've changed a few things in the Override concept:
2500-new-override-features-2.png (43.9 KiB) Viewed 25229 times
I've changed the extension of override files to .sf2ovr. By default overrides are still saved in the SynthFont.ini file but SynthFont2 will now also create a copy in the DefaultOverrides.sf2ovr file. So, if you have any overrides of your own you want to use, you have to change the extension from ini to sf2ovr.
(SynthFon2x64 can be associated with these files now and if so, double-clicking will open SynthFont2x64 and the file. But this requires that this new execujtable is saved in Program Files folder to replace to original SynthFont2x64.exe: NB: Also the 32 bit version can do this in the future).

SynthFont2 shows the name of the current overload file in the caption.

If you create an Arrangement, the name of the current override file will be saved in the Arrangement.

Then - for you to test - go to "Plug & Play", "Track Edit" and look right. There is a small new box there, "Mute CCs". Right now these two settings are globally stored in SynthFont.ini and will by default act on all tracks. In the future I might make this into an Arrangement-enabled feature for selected tracks. Must think...
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Re: Mute or change Drums in Batch convert midi +more

Post by Admin »

A new test version is here:
Trygve Larsen
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Re: Mute or change Drums in Batch convert midi +more

Post by Trygve Larsen »

Thank's a lot Kenneth ! That CC window was BRILLIANT ! And works like a charm...

The other new one however, hmmm. Was looking around for it for a long time, but could not find it.. Where did you hide it? Or is it just my LONG NOSE again ??? If it is in the bottom of the override window, then I can't see it, because of my screen resolution.. I think that window need a slider... Can't see the bottom of it, unless I drag the taskbar to the side, and even then, can still not see the bottom there... Just down to the disabled override line.. What's below that, I never know...
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Re: Mute or change Drums in Batch convert midi +more

Post by Admin »

This is the SF2Override window at 50 %. The new buttons are at the bottom.
sf2Override-50%.png (40.91 KiB) Viewed 25188 times
What may have confused you was me showing both the dropdown menu AND the file open dialog box at the same time.
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