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VST synthfont in IL Minihost module plays piano only

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:40 am
by Trygve Larsen
Hi ! Been a while seen I have been here. This time it's about the VST version I use in BiaB. When I use IL Minihost as the default synth there, and load VST synthfont, i play ONLY piano in every midi channel. If I use VST synthfont alone as the default synth, it plays normally. How come? Is VST synthfont not compatible with IL minihost? Is there a workaround? Do u have Band in a Box to check it out? If not, I think PGmusic should provide u with a free version for the purpose of testing, since, after all, VST synthfont is part of Band in a Box now.

Another WISH I have is the option to load VSTi in VST synthfont, as we can in the stand alone version. Is this something u have in mind for future versions? Because, that would be the ULTIMATE GM synth out there...

Re: VST synthfont in IL Minihost module plays piano only

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:01 pm
by Admin
Hi Trygve, must say I have no clues... Don't know anything about IL MiniHost and, no, I do not have a copy of BiaB. Never asked Peter for it, must say... You are probably right in that it might be useful. However, I have several other hosts I regularly use for testing, among others Cubase, Reaper, Cakewalk (the new), Mixcraft, Tracktion and Cantabile. Plus a few more. If it works with them it should work with most others.
Another WISH I have is the option to load VSTi in VST synthfont, as we can in the stand alone version.
Sounds like you are asking for a method to load a second VST instrument from WITHIN the VSTSynthFont plugin (like instead of a SoundFont). Am I correct? Please elaborate.

Re: VST synthfont in IL Minihost module plays piano only

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:30 am
by Trygve Larsen
Yes, u r correct.. As u know, soundfont are good, but what we can have today in Kontakt, for instance, are far better.. SO, IF that is made possible, then Synthfont will forever be the number ONE GM VST synth in the market.. To elaborate it a little more. When I use Synthfont as default synth in BiaB, and load a 16 channel midifile, many of the sounds are good enough for big symphonies and so on. But not ALL.. So here, if I can for instance have a kontakt instrument as VST option for any specific channel, that ALSO respond to program change, as Synthfont does with soundfonts, then heaven in Band in a Box has been opened...;) Because as for today, I have to load it manually for every new midifile/instrument, as Kontak does not automatically read instrument name in the midifile, as Synthfont does. SO, some midiles has Piano in channel 1 for instance, some have other instruments. Like that in every channels. Not many stick to the GM standard anymore... But that's not a problem for Synthfont, as it respond to the name of the instrument in each specific channel.. That's why I tried to have Synthfont loaded in IL Minihost. And just connect/route certain midi-channels around it and use kontakt for those...

As for u never ask Peter for a free copy of BiaB for testing, I guess u r just shy.. Bet ok, I will post it as a suggestion for him in the forum.. Because synthfont ARE the best option as the default synt, as far as I know. SO he SHOULD give u a free copy of BiaB, since U gave HIM the right to distribute UR software for free with every sold BiaB. U have no royalty from that, right?

IL Minihost is a free VST/VST host from ... odular.htm with a very nice graphic UI...

Re: VST synthfont in IL Minihost module plays piano only

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 10:58 am
by Admin
Some time ago I made a test version of VSTSynthFont that could accept VST EFFECTS - not instruments - and as the technology behind is almost the same I could easily create a [test] version that accepts VST instruments. Let me think about it.

Oh yes! I remember some time ago testing minihost from Image Line. Must download it again.

Re: VST synthfont in IL Minihost module plays piano only

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 12:28 am
by Trygve Larsen
That's good news for me ! Looking forward to it ! :D

Re: VST synthfont in IL Minihost module plays piano only

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:29 pm
by Admin
This was a bit tricky...
But I've got the first test versions here: ... A.rar?dl=0 (32 bit)
and ... A.rar?dl=0 (64 bit)

There is a new item in the "Sound source file" popup menu:
3500-Assign-VSTi.png (1.95 KiB) Viewed 27959 times
This opens a standard file open dialog. You just have to navigate to the folder where you have your VST instruments.

NOTE 1: The VSTSynthFont64 can only handle 64 bit plugins, and same for 32 bit. There's no architecture bridging like in SynthFont2.

NOTE 2: One pretty important feature still missing: the choice of plugin sill be saved in the host's chunk, but not any settings for the plugin. Take for example, Kontakt. It will be numb until you open the editor window and assign sound files to it. Press this button to open the edit window for the plugin.
The attachment 3500-Assign-VSTi-preset.png is no longer available

Re: VST synthfont in IL Minihost module plays piano only

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 1:18 am
by MusoCity
Thanks for this ! an issue is when you click program number to bring up the VSTi GUI you can't access the host with the window open.
EDIT: you can open the the vst window while playing so this might be okay.

Re: VST synthfont in IL Minihost module plays piano only

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 3:21 am
by MusoCity
Just trying other VSTi's
EZKeys, EZDrummer no sound
Sforzando working but not bringing up the instrument panel and controls in Sforzando

They need a volume control for the VSTi's audio out, don't know if you can make SynthFont's track volume slider adjust the volume out level ?

Re: VST synthfont in IL Minihost module plays piano only

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 6:41 am
by MusoCity
Also Ctrl+click to solo more than one track at a time would be helpful.
EDIT: and the mute solo don't work on the VSTi

Re: VST synthfont in IL Minihost module plays piano only

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 7:38 am
by MusoCity
When you choose a VSTi like RealGuitar there is no sound until I open the GUI then it loads the samples, maybe it could open the GUI directly after loading ?
Now if I change back to the default soundfont it stills plays the VSTi.