Some MIDI files may contain lyrics. These are often referred to as "Karaoke" files. Some Karaoke files may also contain chords. 

MIdiSoundSynth can show lyrics in two windows at the same time. The "Primary" window is the one shown above. The other window is called "Secondary" and is a free floating window that can be moved to another monitor.  This Primary has all the controls needed to adjust the visual behavior of the secondary window. 

To show the Secondary window, check [1]. Check 'Fullscreen' to show the Secondary window in FullScreen mode.

Select in [2] which window you want to edit

Check [3] to show chords (in chosen window)

[4] You can separately select fonts for the Primary window and the Secondary window. You can also choose the have Automatic font size.

[5] Select the color for text in 'Foreground'. Text is being placed in Foreground when a syllable is being "played".

[6] Select the color for text in 'Background'. Text is being placed in Background initially.

[7] Select the color for the window background - if an image is not used.

[8] Select the image for the window background. Use the button 'Add image'" to add images to the drop-down list and Remove to remove it from the list.

[9] Text syllables are placed in Foreground exactly at the time encoded in the MIDI file but some files may require a slight synchronization correction.  A positive value makes the text show earlier and a negative later. This value will be saved in the Arrangement.

[10] Check to make the Primary window floating

[11] Check to override the 'new line' code in the lyrics and fill the window with long lines