New test version

All about the development and use of SynthFont2
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Re: New test version

Post by Admin »

Ok, I think I got that fixed as well.
The official version is now available. (There was a short-lived for a few days).
Here is the update:
Elven Spellmaker
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Re: New test version

Post by Elven Spellmaker »

Hi Kenneth,

I have found a couple of problems one since the latest version and one that has been present in previous versions too:

1.) Some of the borders for the tracks have gone missing?

2.) Pitch Bend seems to be off again, ... Banjo6.mid as an example.
Here is a rendition, you can clearly hear it's wrong (even if you don't know the song): ... Banjo6.mp3 (The pitch bend problem starts at 26s.

3.) You can see that the bar counter at the top isn't moving and so is out of sync with the moving piano roll (look how 88.1) is out of line with the piano roll markers:

Thankies. ^^
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Re: New test version

Post by Admin »

Thanks Elven!
Elven Spellmaker
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Re: New test version

Post by Elven Spellmaker »

Hi Kenneth,

Another few bugs for you to squash:

1.) If you pop-out the Piano Roll then it instantly de-syncs with the playing music.

2.) When you pop the Piano Roll back in then the bottom section (graph with blue bars for events) doesn't update any more until you resize SynthFont (it shows a blank area and some graphical "corruption":

3.) The boxes on the left are out-of-sync with the tracks again:

Thankies. ^^
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Re: New test version

Post by chasp »

Well there has been no activity on here for ages.... is everyone ok?
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Re: New test version

Post by Admin »

I'm ok, at least. I've been occupied a lot with other projects lately. However, I am now working on a major update for SynthFont2. (and Viena) in which Viena is better integrated into SF2 (through a separate Viena DLL).

This new version will hopefully add a few new features that's been on my todo-list for a l-o-n-g time: capability to record midi events into a track in MIDI Input mode and a - rather odd but maybe useful - feature: showing in the CC window at the bottom of the Pianoroll not only the Velocity of notes, but a value corresponding to the actual Loudness of the note when played. More about this thought later.

Another very interesting feature I'm looking at right now is to use the GPU (Graphics Processor Unit) for increased processing power. This is in the very initial research phase. Looks promising though.
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Re: New test version

Post by tayfun »

hello Kenneth... I have a few bugs for you. I took screen shots of them but i cant upload them

1: upon opening the program the menu bar is not where it is supposed to be

2: The lines and the colors of the tracks dont match
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3: the track change button is too small and doesnt work properly
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Re: New test version

Post by tayfun »

4: by exiting and saving the midi file. it deletes some track and you wont get them by reloading

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not saved
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Re: New test version

Post by tayfun »

5: the program change list changes by itself and the pogram changes dont work
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Re: New test version

Post by Cos »

Merry Christmas everyone!! :)

In regards to bugs, I found one which is quite recurrent on Synthfont. When playing songs edited for the SD50, Synthfont is the only synth that handles the native presets pretty well, except for the drums channel. When I save a MIDI file with any native SD50 drums, playing the song on Synthfont causes the program to tell the synth to play a GM/GS drum kit instead of the native, and the sound is quite different.

I managed to create a SYX SysEx file for GM2 to send a GM2 system on reset message on VanBasco (I am studying computer science nowadays, and my goal is to specialise on programming so hexadecimal is starting to sound more familiar) and now that little player is bringing new life to some songs that didn't sound quite well on it before, and it handles native presets (instruments and drums) fine.

This is the GM2 .syx file for anyone interested:

But I want to play all the MIDIs on Synthfont in a future pocket player and drums aren't handled the same as the other presets for some reason. Plus you can't skip/override SysEx messages on VanBasco, so sometimes it returns to GS if the song has a GS reset in it.

I tried alternatives to VanBasco, the most obscure, unknown ones, even, and the best are Karaoke5 and Karafun. Karaoke5 was my favourite, but both were either slow on loading and couldn't switch songs on the fly. So nothing beats Vanbasco in simpleness and ease of use and convenience when it comes to players. With VanBasco you can even listen to a song once you click on it on the internet, if mid and kar files are associated with it, it's immediate.
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